Who Thought This Was a Good Idea? And Other Questions You Should Have Answers to When You Work in the White House by Alyssa Mastromonaco
Who Thought This Was a Good Idea?: by Alyssa Mastromonaco
WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA? is a fun, easy read. The author writes well, and I found it entertaining to get a peek "behind the scenes" with the president. Perhaps my favorite story was about how Alyssa dressed in JEANS when everyone was lining up on the White House.lawn for photos WITH ROYALTY. The president took it well, but later remarked, "Jeans?"
Lesson learned:
"When you are within 10 miles of the queen, carry a damn pair of trousers on your person at all times."
The stories are mostly pleasant--but sometimes terrifying. Honestly, I cannot imagine what it would be like with an IBS bowel problem when you going to meet the POPE! Well, Alyssa handled it with grace and style. Plus, they got her some "Presidental-strength" AD medication. The only problem--there was no water to be found. Oh well, all in a day's work.
And who knew that there were so few bathrooms in the White House?
Who Thought This Was a Good Idea? by Alyssa Mastromonaco
So all in all, I found WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA? to be a fun, zany read. Don't worry if the politics are not your cup of tea--This isn't a political book--it's more a fun book of light-hearted memories. I wish I had been there--especially for that Pope visit.
Advance Review Copy courtesy of the publisher.
Photos courtesy of Pexels.