5 Benefits of Being a Yelp Elite Reviewer
After a year of so of being an "Elite," I have learned a lot about the Yelp community. I am glad that I was nominated to be an Elite, and I hope to continue. I have found it to be a fun experience with plenty of plusses, and very little downside.
You can watch my winning entry for Yelp “Yes” 2018 below:
Some thoughts on the benefits of being Yelp Elite:
1. You Can Meet a Lot of Nice People
5 Benefits of Yelp Elite
I say you "can" meet a lot of people, because no one forces you to do that. You can be a loner, never meeting another Yelp Elite--but why would you want to avoid the fun?
If you enjoy networking with other friendly people, you will love being a Yelp Elite.
2. You're Invited to Exclusive Events
5 Benefits of Yelp Elite
Yes, it's true--there are "secret" events that only VIPs like you can attend. They are callled "Elite Events." You get notified way in advance, and you can RSVP, if you wish to go. You can usually bring another person as well.
I didn't realize at first how much fun these "Yelp Elite" events would be. I recently went to a "beauty bash" at a Whole Foods Market. I was pleasantly surprised at how friendly the other Elites are. I really had a good time, and brought back a "goody bag" full of skin-care samples for my spouse.
In a few months, my wife and I will be going to a pizza event. Free food and drink, fun company--how can I turn that down?
3. You Broaden Your Perspective
Since I began writing lots of reviews, I find myself wanting to check out businesses that I know nothing about. Just the other day, I walked into the "Fax Dr" store, just to say hello, and maybe write a simple review. Well, I met the nice owner, and now I know where to go to have my fax or printer fixed.
Similarly, I'm pretty sure I would never have attended any sort of skin-care seminar. Well, at the recent Beauty Bash, I had a lot of fun learning about the skin-care business. It did seem interesting, and I enjoyed hearing the Whole Foods Marketing folks explain their products. It was all around a pleasant time.
4. You Become a Better Coummunicator
5 Benefits of Yelp Elite
As a side effect of being a Yelp Elite, I found myself trying to do a better job at writing reviews. There's no pressure, and no one tells me how to write reviews--but I find myself spending a little more time on each review. I don't want to embarass my fellow Elites by writing a poorly written review. Also, I don't want to unfairly criticize a business, or say something untrue.
5. It's Fun Being Part of a Community
It's hard to put my finger on it--but I just plain like being a part of Yelp. I feel like I'm providing a service to consumers, as well as to businesses. I like providing truthful facts about a business, and helping consumers.
One funny part of Yelp is that there's also a fun, friendly competition. I recently figured out what the "Check-in" feature works. Yelp really wants to encourage people to check-in to businesses. A regular can become the "Duke" or "Duchess" of a business if they are the most frequent regular.
There are also funny "badges" to encourage check-ins. One of my first badges was called the "Maverick," because I frequented business that had such poor reviews!
Okay, I admit that doing Yelp review is addicting, but it's a fun addiction!
Uh-oh, I see I need to check in to another 1-Star restaurant. I don't want to lose my Maverick badge.
Photos courtesy of Pexels.