Preventing Credit Card Fraud: A Complete Guide for Everyone from Merchants to Consumers by Jen Grondahl Lee, Gini Graham Scott

Preventing Credit Card Fraud: A Complete Guide for Everyone from Merchants to Consumers by Jen Grondahl Lee, Gini Graham Scott

Preventing Credit Card Fraud: A Complete Guide for Everyone from Merchants to Consumers by Jen Grondahl Lee, Gini Graham Scott

Preventing Credit Card Fraud: A Complete Guide for Everyone from Merchants to Consumers by Jen Grondahl Lee, Gini Graham Scott

I am sorry that we need a book like this, but alas, we do.  As the authors points out, there are tons of clever, devious criminals out there, just waiting to separate us from our money.

Some of the scams are pretty simple, whereas others are really perverse.  The one that really got my attention was the "Free Trial" scam.  Jen and Gini explain how one skin care company offered a low cost "trial," but there was a big catch.  If you didn't cancel your trial quickly, you would be charged hundreds of dollars in extra fees.  Want your money book?  Good luck!

Besides companies ripping off consumers, Jen covers ways that a dishonest buyer can cheat a company.  She cites examples where a person supplies a credit card number, then later claims fraud to get a product for free. 

Preventing Credit Card Fraud: A Complete Guide for Everyone from Merchants to Consumers by Jen Grondahl Lee, Gini Graham Scott

Preventing Credit Card Fraud: A Complete Guide for Everyone from Merchants to Consumers by Jen Grondahl Lee, Gini Graham Scott

The authors cover lots of different scams, and provide precautions to prevent you from becoming a victim.  Probably I wouldn't fall for some of the schemes, but I think I would be a real chump for others.

So all in all, I found PREVENTING CREDIT CARD FRAUD to be a useful book--albeit a little bit scary.  The authors write well, and the book is easy to follow.  There are lots of summary pages and conclusions to help reinforce the main points.  I confess I am not devious enough to know about all these scams.  I appreciate the author exposing them, so we can take precautions.

Oh wait--a "Free Trial" offer just popped into my mailbox.  Wow--it's all free . . .

Advance Review copy courtesy of the author.

Preventing Credit Card Fraud: A Complete Guide for Everyone from Merchants to Consumers by Jen Grondahl Lee, Gini Graham Scott

Preventing Credit Card Fraud: A Complete Guide for Everyone from Merchants to Consumers by Jen Grondahl Lee, Gini Graham Scott

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