Tips on Becoming a Top Amazon Reviewer

Tips on Becoming a Top Amazon Reviewer

Tell a Story

Everyone likes to hear a good story--especially if your story involves the product or book being reviewed. Put your experience into play and help the reader learn from your experience.

Make the Story Brief

The idea is, to provide interesting information quickly. While some background information is helpful, do not ramble on; the viewer is not interested in your life story. Some of the most effective reviews are only about one page long.

Make the Story HELPFUL

Your review most provide cogent, useful information.  It has to be relevant, and it has to be correct. The best stories are both interesting and relevant to the product.

If you are reviewing a "how to" book, such as a diet plan, explain how you tried the author's recommendations--even if they didn't work out. If you are reviewing a gadget,  explain how you tried the product in some interesting way that showcases its value (or illustrates its limitations.)

Maybe you have found some huge defect--or better yet, a way to fix the defect. One well-received gadget review I wrote was for a hose water timer.  The product had broken after one season, which was bad, but I knew how to fix it. I took a few photos of the part, and how to fix it, and put those in the review. Many readers voted for my Review of Hose Timer, and some even wrote comments appreciating the fix.  

Read the Other Reviews

This might not seem obvious, but this is an important step. Read the other reviews on that product to make sure you haven't overlooked some big flaw or unusual feature.

Naturally, if you see some unusual notes by other reviewers, check the information yourself. I once reviewed a kid's R/C car, which was dreadfully slow.  Another top reviewer had praised the speed of the same car!  After a few emails, the other reviewer admitted he got the car mixed up with another car.

Correct Mistakes

Sometime or other, you will make a mistake in your review. I have made mistakes on more than one review.  Yes, it was indeed embarrassing to admit that the soccer socks did actually fit, when I had just assumed they were way too big (they weren't.)


Hone your reviewer skills--especially your writing skills.  If you are a poor writer, it is unlikely you will be a good reviewer. Read lots of other reviews by highly-rated reviewers.  See how they do it.

It will not be a quick and easy journey to a top Amazon reviewer--but it is possible. By concentrating on quality content that helps the reader make a decision, you will have a good chance of seeing that Amazon "Badge" next to your name soon.

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